List of apartments

B Building - COMPLETED
  • 9-story building,
  • apartments from 28 m2 to 150 m2,
  • apartments with gardens on the ground floor,
  • apartments on the top floors with terraces and a direct view of the Vistula River,
  • a building located next to the Vistula River,
  • high standard of finishing of common parts,
  • numerous amenities: as part of the implementation of this stage: halotherapy, a fountain and a playground will be made in the courtyard.

By clicking on the column name, you can sort the following list of apartments in terms of building, area, price, etc.

See the examples of apartment arrangements during the 3D VIRTUAL WALK by clicking on the appropriate icon. Repeatable apartments on different floors are presented in various styles of interior finishing.





Surface *



Price **


33 B 2 89.90 m2 3 free 25000 zł 2247500 zł
121 B 8 90.54 m2 4 free 35000 zł 3168900 zł
122 B 8 271.03 m2 5 free 35000 zł 9486050 zł
125 B 8 211.89 m2 5 free 35000 zł 7416150 zł
178 B 6 194.44 m2 5 free 35000 zł 6805400 zł

* - Powierzchnia podana w m2 szacunkowo. Dokładny obmiar przy odbiorze mieszkania.

** - Wszystkie ceny w PLN brutto.

Prices of posts and cells:

Building B:
car parking place PLN 79 000, PLN 120 000, PLN 158 000 gross
motor place PLN 40 000 gross
utility room 4 800 PLN/m2 gross

Sales office "Wiślane Tarasy 2.0"

ul. Grzegórzecka 67F, 31-559 Kraków

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